Panel Settings

Setting that are placed in the root of the panel.


Permissions needed to open the panel (use "default" for everyone to have permission, if you use for example "creative", the permission node will be commandpanel.panel.creative).

perm: 'default

Panel Rows

How many rows high will the panel be. Using 3 would be the same size as a standard Chest, and 6 would be the size of a Double Chest.

If you want to use a special GUI like a crafting table, furnace or a hopper, etc you will need to use the InventoryType value. Some of the values listed on the spigot page will not work.

//Make a standard GUI
rows: 1

//Make a special GUI (this example is a Hopper)
rows: HOPPER

Panel Title

Title on top of the panel, placeholders and colours will work. Note some older legacy versions of Minecraft may have a shorter length limit for the title, so if your title is not working in older versions you will need to shorten it.

title: '&8Example GUI'

By utilizing custom titles, you have the ability to enhance the look of your panel. If custom titles are used you will not need a regular title to be outside of the custom-titles section (as seen below).

title: '&8Example GUI' #<-- This can be removed as you are using custom titles instead
  title: '&8Welcome Stranger!'
    value0: RockyHawk
    compare0: "%cp-player-name%"
    title: '&8Welcome RockyHawk!'

Panel Type

Used to determine the type of panel that it will be. These are the following types that can be added:

  • static This will disable the items from changing once the panel is opened. For example, animations will not change.

  • nocommand This will disable the panel from being used when entering /cp <panel name>.

  • nocommandregister This will stop custom commands in this panel from automatically registering in the commands.yml file.

  • unmovable This will prevent players from being able to move items that are inside their own inventory while the panel is open.

  • unclosable This will prevent players from being able to close the panel. You will need to add an item with the cpc Command Tag to close the panel.

- static
- nocommand
- nocommandregister
- unmovable
- unclosable

Custom Messages

Adding this to your item will allow you to choose custom messages. The examples below show the different custom messages you can add to your item.

  - '&bEnter some text under this custom message!'
  input: '&cCustom Max-Character Message!' #For player inputs
  perms: '&cCustom No-Permission Message!' #No permission to click item

Refresh Panels

Only add this if you want to override therefresh-panelsvalue in the config.yml. This will allow you to set a specific value for only one panel.

refresh-delay: 1

Panel Sound

Use this to make a sound when the panel is opened for the player. This is not supported in Minecraft 1.8 Music tracks can be played here, when the panel is closed any sounds that are playing will stop.


Panel Outside Commands

These are commands that will execute if the player clicks outside of the Panel. The outside of a panel is the empty area around the Minecraft GUI area.

- 'placeholder= [name:Your name is]'
- 'msg= %cp-name% %cp-player-name%'

Panel Open & Closing Commands

Commands that will execute when the panel is opened or closed. Commands execute from top to bottom. Pre-load commands will execute before the panel opens (eg, before the panel loads and sets the names for items) and commands-on-open will execute commands afterwards. It is recommended to use commands-on-open unless you need to execute commands like setting values to panel placeholders.

- 'placeholder= [text:Your name is]'
- 'msg= %cp-text% %cp-player-name%'
- 'msg= Panel Opened!'
- 'gamemode creative'
- 'msg= Panel Closed!'
- 'gamemode creative'

A Panel should not be opened in the commands-on-close section.

Custom Items

Custom items can be added to the panel, these will be used in different features like for example item-paywalls or when using setitem=. The items use the same syntax as regular items in panels. See the snippet below for an example. In this example, there are three example items that are listed. Place the custom-item section in the root of your panel. Use the Item Settings page to customise the custom items.

    material: AIR
    material: DIAMOND
    name: 'A custom name for the diamond'
    material: GLOWSTONE
    name: 'Glow Boy'
    - 'This is the lore!'
    enchanted: true
    stack: 34    

Disabled & Enabled Worlds

This will disable players in certain worlds from accessing the panel. If the panel has a hotbar item, using a plugin like multiverse-inventories to have different inventories in different worlds, the items will not show up in the disabled worlds. You can also use enabled worlds instead, which will disable every world except for whichever worlds you add into the list

- world_nether
- world_the_end
- world

Empty Item Slots

This item will be placed in any location that there are no items currently placed in. If you want this item to be custom, you can enter the custom item name from the custom items in your panel.

empty: custom_item_name

Set this to a colour ID, eg "wool:5, use 5. If it isn't needed set it to 0 (MC 1.12 and below)

emptyID: '15'

Last updated

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