Tags that can be used in the panel commands section.
Command Tags
Example Command: console= gamemode creative %cp-player-name% (the space in between the console= and the command is required)
Open a panel. open= <panel name> [placeholder:value] {location}
For example open= example_panel [cname:Rocky]
using %cp-cname% in the panel will activate that placeholder.
If you want another panel to open in the players inventory area or the hotbar area use the location settings, example:
open= example_panel {Middle}
See the Multi Panels page for more info.
This is useful if you want to handle panel variables, see the Panel Variables page for more info. This cannot be used to open the currently opened panel.
Works similarly to the cpc tag but you can choose which location to close.
Top = Chest location
Middle = Player location
Bottom = Hotbar location
For example doing: close= Middle will close the middle panel.
Using this in the commands section will close the panel. If this command is being used, use commandpanelclose instead.
Force refreshes the panel. Ensure the panel does not close at the same time when the item is clicked. If the players normal inventory is open, it will also refresh the players Panel Hotbar items.
Use to teleport the player to a specific server with BungeeCord. server= [name] This will make sure the player has permission to join the server.
Use to teleport the player to a specific server with BungeeCord. server= [name] This will not check the player's permissions.
Delay a specific command. delay= <ticks> <command>
eg, delay= 20 msg= This message took 1 second to appear.
You can execute player only commands directly as the player using sudo= [command].
Executes the command in the console.
Trigger the PanelCommandEvent with a message attached. For example, event= <message>.
Allows the user to broadcast a message to all users in the server. broadcast= <message>
Allows the user to broadcast a message to all users with the specified permission. broadcast-perm= <perm> <message>
This will allow for sequencing if you want to use the same commands for different items. sequence= [YAML location]
Will stop PlaceholderAPI placeholders from being executed.
Used to display a title onto the Players screen. To separate the title from the subtitle, if you want a subtitle, simply put the following in between the title and subtitle contents: /n/.
title= [player] [fadeIn] [stay] [fadeOut] [title contents]
Players won't be able to run commands under this command in the list of commands on an item without paying, eg. paywall= [price]
Will use CommandPanels data values to pay. The data value needs to be a number. To use this data-paywall= [data] [price]
Commands that are under this command will not run if the player does not have a specific item, if the player does it will be removed from their inventory.
Usage: item-paywall= [item] [amount]
eg, item-paywall= DIAMOND_SWORD 1
item-paywall can also use the panels custom items, see Panel Editing for an explanation on those. Eg, item-paywall= [custom item name]
Players won't be able to run commands under this command in the list of commands on an item without paying certain XP levels, eg. For the second argument, either choose level or point depending on what you wish to use.xp-paywall= [xp price] [level:point]
Players won't be able to run commands under this command in the list of commands on an item if they can't afford the token amount, eg. tokenpaywall= [token price]
Sell all of a specific item type in the inventory, will not check for custom NBT. For example, sellall= [money per item] [item material]
Player will buy a command. Usage: "buycommand= [price] [command]"
To execute in console, this as an example for players names: "buycommand= 100 console= gamemode creative %cp-player-name%"
Player will buy a command. Usage: tokenbuycommand= [token price] [command] The To execute in console, this as an example for players names: "buycommand= 100 console= gamemode creative %cp-player-name%"
You can make a sound when an item is clicked using sound= [sound name]
Custom pitch and volume with sound= [sound] [volume] [pitch] default values are 1 and the ranges are volume (0.0 to 1.0), pitch (0.5 to 2.0).
You can make a sound stop when an item is clicked using stopsound= [sound name]
You can teleport a player. eg. teleport= [x] [y] [z] You can add other options to the teleport, for example: teleport= 34 67 234 world:the_nether yaw:0
You can use the following options:
- world:<world>
- player:<player name>
- yaw:<value>
- pitch:<value>
You can send a message as the player globally in the chat. Using send= [message].
Uses the Paper MiniMessage API. You can do minimessage= <text> to utilise this API.
Send a message to the player executing the command.
Used to set the item in a panel slot to something else, useful for placeable item slots. Eg, setitem= <custom item name> <slot> <position>. You can find how to create a custom item in the Panel Editing section of the Wiki. For the position, it will either be Top, Middle or Bottom
Used to give the player a panel custom item. Usage: give-item= <customItem>
This is similar to open= but this is used to edit placeholders in the current panel. For example: placeholder= [placeholder:value]. View the Panel Variables page for a tutorial.
Works the same asplaceholder=except it will only add the placeholder if it doesn't already exist for the panel.
add-placeholder= [placeholder:value]
set-data= <dataName> <Value> [player name] this will set a players data to a specific value. The value can only be one word long. Entering the player name is not required.
add-data= <dataName> <Value> [player name] this will set a players data to a specific value. The value can only be one word long. This will not overwrite old data, so if the player already has the certain data it will skip (good in the commands-on-open section). Entering the player name is not required.
Used to change numeric data. Usage: math-data= <dataName> <operation> [player name]. There are only four types of operations, + - * /. You should put one operation at the start and a number at the end, some examples as an operation: +1, +0.1, -15, *3, /5. It will take the current number stored and add the operation to it. Entering the player name is not required.
del-data= <dataName> [player name] delete the data from a player. Entering the player name is not required.
clear-data= <player name> will clear every point of data from a player.
buy= Deprecated
Player will buy an item, i.e to buy 12 grass for $3: "buy= 3 WOOL 12 id:15" usage:
Player will sell an item, i.e to sell 12 grass for $3: "sell= 3 WOOL12 id:15" usage: "sell= [price given back] [material] [amount] [id:material ID (for colours, etc)] (requires vault)"
For potions you will need to add the PotionEffectType as such:
'sell= 1 IRON_INGOT 45 potion:HEAL'
tokenbuy= Deprecated
Player will buy an item, i.e to buy 12 grass for $3: "tokenbuy= 3 WOOL 12 id:15" usage:
Player will sell an item, i.e to sell 12 grass for $3: "sell= 3 WOOL12 id:15" usage: tokensell= [token price given back] [material] [amount] [material ID (for colours, etc)] (requires vault)
op= Deprecated
Use at the front of a command for the player to execute without needing permissions for the command. Use at your own risk as this OPs the player whilst executing the command.
Click Tags
These types of Tags must come in front of regular Command Tags! There is a space required between these tags, other tags and commands. These tags are only used for regular commands in items.
- 'msg= &cThis message will appear from any type of click'
- 'right= msg= Right clicked item!'
The player must right-click to execute the command
The player must right-shift click to execute the command
The player must left-click to execute the command
The player must left-shift click to execute the command
The player must middle click to execute the command