Configuration File

The main config file and all of it's uses

Config File

  #If set to true, placeholders in panels will refresh
  #A server restart is necessary after changing this
  refresh-panels: true
  #Time in ticks between each refresh
  refresh-delay: 20
  #Disables /cpb if it is not required (optimisation purposes)
  #A server restart is necessary after changing this
  panel-blocks: true
  #if set to false, this will disable hotbar items
  #A server restart is necessary after changing this
  hotbar-items: true
  #if set to false, this will disable custom commands
  #A server restart is necessary after changing this
  custom-commands: true
  #This will stop the plugin from registering panel custom commands
  #Previously registered custom commands will not be removed from commands.yml
  auto-register-commands: true
  #If this is enabled, panels will update from file automatically when opened
  #This may cause issues with some plugins that depend on CommandPanels if they do not associate a file with their panels
  auto-update-panels: false
  #Time in milliseconds before %cp-server-<IP>:<PORT>% will timeout. For local networks use 10, exceed 500 with caution (the lower the better).
  #A number too low may give a false negative result and a number too high may cause lag
  server-ping-timeout: 10
  #If you want the "sound-on-open" sound to stop when a panel is closed
  stop-sound: true
  #Determines if the plugin should send a message or not if a panel is trying to be opened in the wrong world
  disabled-world-message: true
  #Set to true if you would like the console to send messages when players on the server open or close panels
  panel-snooper: false
  #Enables the use of the /cpi command to import panels from online
  enable-import-command: false
    #The tag Format before all the commands
    tag: '&6[&bCommandPanels&6] '
    #Format of the no permission command
    perms: '&cNo permission.'
    #Format of the Reload command
    reload: '&aReloaded.'
    #Format when a panel isn't found
    nopanel: '&cPanel not found.'
    #If there is no open-with-item in the config for that Panel
    noitem: '&cPanel doesn''t have clickable item.'
    #If the player name isn't found
    notitem: '&cPlayer not found.'
    #The default error code message
    error: '&cError found in config at'
    #Name that is shown when the player is offline when using %cp-player-online-1%
    offline: Offline
    #Head value that is shown when the player is offline when using %cp-player-online-1%
    offlineHeadValue: eyJ0ZXh0dfy7e8w...
    #This will open the panel 'example' in the world named 'world1'

#You can open a panel if a player joins the server for the very first time
open-on-first-login: example

#Multiple worlds with panels can be added here
#These will only run when the player changes worlds
    world1: example

#The below will do the same as above but only runs when the player logs into the server
    world1: example

#Change this to something you would like players to type to cancel the %cp-player-input% input
input-cancel: cancel

    #This is the message that will display when something has been cancelled from input
    input-cancelled: '&cCancelled!'

    #This is the default value for the maximum input length.
    #Use -1 if you do not want to set a maximum length
    max-input-length: -1

    #This is the message that will appear when you want to ask for the players input.
    #Use the placeholders %cp-tag% for the plugins tag, and use %cp-args% for the value of input-cancel.
    - '%cp-tag%&aEnter Input for Command'
    - '&cType &4%cp-args% &cto Cancel the command'

#used to choose your formatting for hex colour codes
#the below example would work for #ff0000
#if you changed start_tag to '{#' and end_tag to '}' it would work with {#ff0000}
    start_tag: '#'
    end_tag: ''
#choose the symbol for built in CommandPanels placeholders
#start and end indicate the front and back of the placeholder
#secondary symbols are the placeholders that go inside other placeholders
#You can also put this inside a panel for panel specific custom placeholders
        start: '%'
        end: '%'
        start: '{'
        end: '}'

    #will send a message on join if the plugin needs an update
    #If changed, restart the server for changes to take effect
    update-checks: true
#Messages that are sent when purchasing or selling in a panel.
#the placeholder %cp-args% will be replaced with the money amount or type of item.
        enable: true
        success: '&aSuccessfully Bought For $%cp-args%'
        failure: '&cInsufficient Funds!'
        enable: true
        success: '&aSuccessfully Bought For $%cp-args%'
        failure: '&cInsufficient Funds!'    
        enable: true
        success: '&aSuccessfully Bought For %cp-args% Tokens.'
        failure: '&cInsufficient Tokens!'
        enable: true
        success: '&aSuccessfully Sold %cp-args%.'
        failure: '&cInsufficient Items!'
        enable: true
        success: '&aSuccessfully Bought For %cp-args% Experience.'
        failure: '&cInsufficient Experience!'

Last updated

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